About Me

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Where I’m From

About MeWell, about me. My name is Sherry. I was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and I still call this area my home.

Although the winter months can be somewhat trying here with the amount of snow we get, not to mention that they last forever, it’s a very beautiful place to live.

What I Do

I like to do things such as walking the dogs, camping, reading, drawing, painting, building websites, writing, and learning new things. I also love teaching our dogs new things too. It keeps us busy!

The Why

I decided to start this website for anyone and everyone who loves their four-legged best friends, their dogs. I have always had a dog or two living in my home as I grew up and now today, somehow, I have ended up with four dogs, a husband, and two kids. Oh, not to mention a couple of guinea pigs and a cat too.

Our four dogs range in ages of between two and six. We have a two-year-old Shih Tzu, a four-year-old Husky/Old English Bulldog mix, a five-year-old Old English Bulldog, and a six-year-old Teddy Bear.  Sadly, our 12-and-a-1/2-year-old Husky/Lab/German Shepherd mix passed away earlier this year from cancer.

So, if you come across me saying we have five dogs somewhere here, then yes, we did have five at one time. It’s still hard to say four instead of five and boy, do we miss her!

We’ve been through it all. Raising not just these five, but a few other dogs in the past who unfortunately had to grow old and have passed on, but will never be forgotten by us.

The How

So, how did The Dog Bunker come about? Well, since I absolutely love animals, and especially dogs, I wanted to do what I can and share some of my experiences with other dog owners in order to help them to avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made in the past.

I want to make life with your dog easier and more enjoyable for both you and your dog. 🙂

That’s why I’ve learned how to build my own web site. Guess what?!…You do not have to hire someone to do it for you. You can learn how to build a website of your very own too…and, with your own website you can do so many things…you can even make a full time living from it by sharing your expertise in whatever subject you desire.

Interested? Learn more on my other site by checking out the Getting Started page.

Don’t worry it’s not that hard if you have someone to guide you along the way. If I can do it, you can too!

Anyways, back to the topic of my site here, Dogs!

Looking for advice on puppy training such as potty training, or advice on how to keep your dog from chewing? Crate training tips? Train your dog to walk on a leash?

Just take a look through this site and you may find some answers to help you with your dog so you can avoid some of the common mistakes we all make:)

I will be adding more information about dogs as much as I possibly can in the near future…so if you have any suggestions please leave a comment or you can fill out the simple contact form….just click the little Contact button over on the left side of the page.

Please fill out your email in the box provided, so I can get back to you. Next, just let me know what you’d like to either ask or suggest, and I’ll reply back to you asap.

And, don’t worry…your email address and any information in the comment or questions will remain private by using the contact form…it will not be displayed anywhere on this site or shared with anyone.

I don’t like spam myself, which is why I no longer have my email address shown here and use the contact form instead.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you!

Best wishes to you and your furry friends! 🙂


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