Heavy Duty Dog Crate – Gelinzon Review
Tired of your Dog Breaking Out of its Crate? Got an Escape Artist for a Dog?
Hey Folks, I’ve recently been contacted with a few questions from readers asking for help with their dogs that are continuously destroying things in their home…
Dogs that seem to outdo most dog crates…escape artists, and dogs that well, just keep chewing, pushing, and basically tearing apart their crates and cages.
And, since I’ve YES, been right there in their shoes at one time or another, I can remember how very frustrating it is…
Our dog Jade, thank God, has grown out of this bad behavior and not longer needs to be in a crate…same as her dad Argon. But, I figured I’d take a look at dog crates and see if there are any new kinds that are recommended by others that have dogs similar to ours.
After spending hours of looking through dog crates and reviews of other dog owners on what they thought I finally decided on a few to share with you…and for now, here’s the first one….
Gelinzon Heavy Duty Crate 42-inch
Product: Gelinzon Heavy Duty Strong Metal Dog Cage Pet Kennel Crate Playpen with Wheels
Price: Check Price at Amazon (& learn more at Amazon)
Color: Black
Size: 41.5 inches L x 30.5 inches W x 37 inches H
Weight: 92 pounds
*Note: Height noted above includes wheels, the interior height of the crate is 32 inches. There are two sizes of these crates available including this one. The other size available is the 38″ crate, for smaller dogs, which measures 37.5 inches L x 25.5 inches W x 32 inches H
My Rating: 4.0 out of 5
What Makes The Gelinzon Heavy Duty Crate for Dogs Special?
Now, again, to be honest, I haven’t tried this crate yet…since at the moment, it’d be kinda silly to buy one if I don’t need one anymore for the dogs we have…yeah, they’ve grown out of their silly antics as most dogs do over time. But, some dogs don’t or just have issues for one reason or another…just like people we all have our problems, even dogs got their issues…although they’re not to blame…that’s pretty much on us, or someone they have to put up with regularly.
Okay, now…back to what we came here for, right?
The Gelizon Dog Kennel
- Heavy duty steel wire cage
- Metal square tube frame
- Double stainless latches on both doors, top and entry door
- Foldable for easy storage
- 3-year Warranty
- High-grade hammertone finish
- Rust & chew resistant
- Non-toxic, environmentally friendly paint
- Four wheels for easier moving, 2 with locking brakes
- Steel tray underneath for easy cleanup
- Floor is above the steel cleanup tray
- Easy to assemble
This dog crate looks pretty darn sturdy in my opinion, since the bars aren’t the usual thin looking round wire like most cages I’ve seen.
These are made of flat, not round, bars.
And, they look much wider than any bars on the crates I’ve ever owned…so, I’m thinking they’d be much stronger than the norm…
Cuz, yeah, those thin looking, round wires on most cages, they didn’t stand a chance against our 80 pounds or so, Jade. She bent them like they were teeny twist ties…
Easy Access with a Top Door
Another thing I really like about this dog crate is that it also has a door on the top…
I don’t know how many times we’d get her in the crate, and have it all locked up only to realize afterwards we forgot to put her water, food, or favorite Kong toy in with her.
And, you know how it is once you open up that cage door again…
Yeah, they think it’s time to get out, haha! So, the whole process again…which really sucks if you forget something else, LOL!
Your poor dog is thinking WTH? Do I stay in here or not?
So, the door on the top of the cage is an awesome idea in my opinion!
Wheels for Easy Mobility
I also love the fact that it’s on wheels, makes moving this heavy crate possible! This crate is heavy at 92 pounds, so yeah, I’d rather not have to try to drag, push, and heave at it to get it to move every time I need to vacuum around it…
Cuz, yeah, dog hair does get around the edges of the kennel, and out on the floor, right?
Now, the bottom of the crate is much different than most I’ve seen too…I kinda like the looks of it!
Back in the days of when we used to have to crate our dogs, we’d come home to a mess of water and kibble spilled all over,
Not to mention a wet and smelly dog!
Just what we wanted to deal with when we get home, right? NO, of course not!
Plus, these darn trays in all the crates we’ve had before, never stayed under the crate…
These Crates Have the Trays Underneath the Entire Crate, Not Directly Under Your Dog’s Paws!
Since the dog was actually standing on it and could move it a bit…well, somehow the trays always slid out partway at least…not sure how they managed it, but with our OTHER dog crates, that’s what happened, and we’d come home to not only a wet and smelly dog, but also a wet and smelly carpet…
YAY! Now, we not only have a wet, smelly dog to deal with, but a wet smelly carpet to scrub!
Since the tray was constantly being scratched, shoved, and chewed on every chance our dogs could, eventually guess what happened?
You guessed it…they chipped up and eventually BROKE into pieces! Not a good thing at all, since once they broke, they broke into sharp jagged pieces…NOT something you want your dog being alone with…
Now, I know, maybe those bars on the bottom might be a worry too for some…maybe it doesn’t look comfortable or you’re worried about the dog’s paws getting stuck…of these issues I haven’t heard anyone mentioning them happening, but do check it over yourself and compare the spaces between the bars and your dogs feet.
If you think your dog’s paws just might somehow get wedged in there, and it’s a heavy chewer, possibly a heavy duty rubber livestock mat placed over the grates? Or, if it’s not the type of dog that destroys it’s own bed…maybe add a dog bed in there, or a thick blanket to reduce the risk and make it comfy for your dog.
However, I definitely do NOT recommend adding a dog bed or anything fluffy with a dog that will just tear it all up and possibly eat it…
- 3-year Warranty
- Heavy duty stainless steel
- Wide, Flat Bars
- Top door – provides easy access to dog, add food, toys etc. without letting the dog out!
- Floor is designed to keep dog clean and dry. Bar/grate-type floor design which enables water and small bits to fall through to tray underneath, much like the small animal cages for rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, etc.
- Removeable tray for cleaning, located underneath the actual crate
- It’s on Wheels! Making it easier to move when needed, and 2 of them are lockable – prevents it moving when you don’t want it to.
- According to other’s that have bought this crate, the seller is responsive to questions, returns, and any issues brought to their attention
- The door latches may not be all that sturdy for a cage supposed to hold escape artists
- Not as rust proof as it says*
- Missing parts*
- A bit pricey for some
My Thoughts on Gelinzon Heavy Duty Crate 42-inch Dog Crate
I definitely would recommend giving this one a try…it’s got a 3-year warranty after all. Plus, although it’s a bit pricey, it might just be worth it in the long run…especially if your dog is a master at destroying things…
Like ours used to be…yeah, they destroyed a LOT of things…shoes, carpets, toys, furniture, and even their crates!
So, if these crates were available at the time we needed them..
Yeah, I’d buy one and at least give it a try!
It would have been much better than having everything in the house at risk to being chewed up, the occasional veterinary bill (allergies to chewing things they shouldn’t be chewing on, but that’s another story!)… and, much better than buying crates that I knew wouldn’t hold up for very long.
Those crates weren’t exactly cheap either, and by the time all was said and done…
We ended up paying more than what it would’ve cost to buy a heavy duty dog crate like the Gelinzon.
Check it out at the link below on Amazon…
Gelinzon Heavy Duty Dog Crate
Have you tried this dog crate out with your dog? I’d love to hear what you think about it…please let me know, any questions or concerns, just add them in the comment box below and I’ll be happy to answer as best I can as soon as humanely possible.
Thanks for reading, my fellow dog parents! Yeah, I know it’s a long one, as usual, lol…
Please share this if you like it! I’d appreciate it and our doggies do too!

Gelinzon Dog Cage Crate - Heavy Duty Kennel Playpen for Large Dogs
- 3-Year Warranty
- Heavy Duty Stainless Steel
- Wide Flat Durable Bars
- Top Door
- Side Entry Door with smaller Food Door
- Floor Designed to Keep Dog Dry and Clean
- Removeable Bottom Tray
- Easy to Move - Cage has 4 Wheels to make moving it easy
- Responsive and Helpful Sellers
- Not as rust proof as it says
- Missing parts
- The door latches may not be all that sturdy for a cage supposed to hold escape artists
- A bit Pricey for Some
I’m gonna send your review to my neighbor, as his dog always gets out and is constantly running around in our backyard, which is scaring our kid. I’ve talked to him about it and according to him, he tried everything but somehow she keeps escaping…
This dog crate does seem like it will do a good job, being sturdy and all.
Thanks for the info!
Hi Jurgen,
Thank you for stopping by and commenting! Wow, so sorry to hear your neighbors dog keeps escaping and scaring your kid!
It sounds like he may need to keep an eye on his dog more and may need to train his dog a bit better if it’s getting out all the time and running into your yard like that. I’m not sure whether he leaves his dog outside all the time or not? Or, is it getting loose the moment he lets it outside?
Leaving a dog out in the weather is definitely not something I’d recommend, but then again I have no idea what kind of area he keeps his dog in either. If he does leave it outside I’d hope it has shelter of some sort to go into away from the sun, wind, and rain, or in our case snow. If it’s really cold or hot outside there I’d make sure it has an area to get away from the heat or cold, which is why we let our dogs stay in the house. Plus, we never really leave our dogs out long especially unsupervised even though we have a fenced in yard.
It sounds like he could use a fence or kennel outside if he doesn’t have one already, he might find this outdoor chain link covered kennel useful, but I’d also recommend a dog house in it as well if his dog is outdoors for some time along with plenty of food and water available.
Another thing I’d recommend your neighbor to do is to exercise his dog, take it out for a good walk, play some fetch and pay a bit more attention to it whenever he can. It’ll behave much better in the long run!
I certainly appreciate your sending this to your neighbor as well and hope he can find this helpful to keep his dog from escaping, but I would recommend using the Gelinzon Heavy Duty Crate indoors, not sure how good of an idea it would be to use it outside.
Thanks again for checking it out and I hope you and your neighbor can find a happy solution for all involved!
Best wishes ~Sherry
In my personal opinion, I don´t think that a cage is the solution to the problems you have with a dog, it is something that should be more in question of character and how you educate your pet no matter how old the dog is. I have a beautiful dog, just turned three and is very playful, loves to run. Inside the house he has come to respect everything, he has learn what he must do and what he can not do, and that is what he has achieved through the education we have given him and not to enclose him in a cage because the poor dog broke something of your room, that for me is cruelty.
There are special cases with dogs that attack if they come to bite their owners or guests or children, then that’s when you have to act in a different way, but never locking them in a cage.
If you want to have a dog, you need to be responsable for him or her, you need to teach what it´s good for him or what it´s not, because if you only think to put the dog everytime that he does something bad inside of a cage, then don´t have pets and you will respect more to them.
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what your thoughts are on this. Glad to hear you have such a well trained, playful dog, and he’s learned what to do and what not to do. I certainly agree with you on teaching your dog in a positive manner and do not ever recommend just putting them in a cage because they’re being “bad.”
We’ve had many different types of dogs over the years, some of which were rescues, some not. A few of them just could not be trusted to be home alone while they were still learning what is right or wrong to do in the house. Each dog learns at their own pace. You may want to check out an older post of mine here, How to Keep a Dog Home Alone which explains more about this issue.
Using a crate or cage is only for them to have a safe place to be while the owner is not home and there’s no one else around to watch the dog and keep it from chewing on things such as the furniture, electrical cords, etc…things that may be harmful to your dogs health.
I’ve had quite a few readers asking for help on the subject of what they can do with their dogs that continue to have issues with being home alone, and end up breaking their cages while they’re not home, which is why I did the review for this heavy duty crate although our dogs no longer need to be in a cage at any time. All three of our dogs have complete freedom of the house now even while we’re not home due to training them the right way.
I only recommend using a crate for those that need to leave their dog home while away shopping or running errands, or working outside of the home until their dog is trained properly which may take some time to achieve. I’d think it safer for the dog to be in a crate if no one is around to keep it from chewing on harmful objects…wooden furniture could cause splinters, eating material that covers things like the couch, recliner, etc. would not be too healthy for a dog either. I’d also not recommend keeping a dog in a crate for many hours either. Ours never were in there for too long before either we’d get home or have someone we trust to let them out for awhile.
I’d never recommend using a cage or crate to punish your dog for chewing something up…dogs do not learn that way. It’d just cause more problems. If our dogs did chew something they shouldn’t have we’d just take it away from them, and not make a big deal of it. We’d then give them something they could chew on safely, which teaches them what they’re allowed to chew on and what they’re not supposed to be chewing on…positive reinforcement works!
Thanks again for stopping by, Emmanuel. I appreciate your thoughts, and I certainly agree, people need to be responsible and teach their dogs what is right or wrong to do.
Best wishes ~Sherry
Hi and thanks for this product review. I reviewed this article previously and showed it to an uncle of mine who owns a German Shepherd. He is very interested in learning more about this cage and if there are any other similar brands to choose from? Also is this the best price available? Thanks Kenny
Hi Kenny,
Thanks for stopping by again, and awesome to hear you showed this article to your uncle! I’ve been taking a look at similar brands to choose from and well, many of them are actually costing more than this one, but I did find a couple that he may be interested in checking out as well.
One that I found that is quite similar, but with a few differences is the QAQA Heavy Duty Dog Cage, 42-inch size is one he might find interesting. Although he might want to note that the bottom of this one has a different type of grate over top of the bottom grate…the bars on this covering grate look much smaller than the ones in the Gelinzon model, which only has the larger bottom grate. So depending on his dog and whether or not it might paw at these or chew them, this covering grate may be an issue since it could be a bit weaker than the rest of the crate.
Another one which is similar, but also has the covering grate over the bottom is this 42-inch Heavy Duty Double Door Pet Cage from SliveryLake. The pricing for these two crates is quite similar, plus they look quite alike…but, he may also consider a 48-inch cage for his German Shepherd dog, which is what they recommend for dogs that size.
He might want to take a look at their sizing chart available on this one, and I also might consider this when looking at the other brands. I’d recommend that your uncle measures his dog, at least the length and height, but he’d want to have a cage long enough so his dog will fit comfortably. Not sure if his dog is still a pup or not, if so, he’s going to grow yet too.
I hope this helps your uncle out so he can find the perfect one for his German Shepherd…and, yes, from what I’ve looked up these are the best prices available at this time anyways…many are quite a bit pricier. Thanks for stopping by again Kenny! I appreciate it, and this actually gives me ideas on how to improve the review here, so thank You!
Best wishes ~Sherry
I wonder if there is an underlying problem to the dogs breaking out of thier crate? Perhaps separation anxiety, boredom or some similar issue. Maybe dog owners that are having these types of problems ought to look into other solutions as well as heavy duty crates. I can’t help but feel a bit sorry for a dog stuck in a steel barred crate with nothing to do.
Did you ever try something like interactive, treat-dispensing toys? There are toys with levers and such that the dog can push to find a treat inside the latch. And toys that roll around dispensing treats or bits of kibble. I bet these would be useful to dog-owners with crate-escaping dogs because it would help occupy them so for a while.
On the other hand, maybe not. I guess only experimentation will tell.
Hi Mariah,
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this heavy duty dog crate.
I agree, there is an underlying issue as to why they break out of their crates or kennels, as well as problem chewing behaviors…chewing things they shouldn’t be chewing on like furniture or shoes, etc.
I’m glad you mentioned this, I’ll definitely add this in here as soon as I get a chance. I realize now I should’ve mentioned these as well and added the links to other posts about these underlying problems. Yes, separation anxiety, boredom, and lack of proper exercise are the most common causes I’d have to believe.
I certainly feel the same way as you…I didn’t want to leave them in a crate while we were gone with nothing to do, so we did give them toys that we knew would hold up pretty well to their chewing.
I’m so glad we haven’t had to use a crate for years now ourselves!
but I know there are many others out there that have the same problems we used to have with their dogs.
I guess the best thing to do is to keep trying to see what works with your dog to get rid of the underlying problems, but these heavy duty crates should work in the meantime to keep your dog from chewing the house apart. I’d feel much safer using a crate like this Gelinzon than the ones we’ve had with flimsy bars which could be bent and broken by heavy, muscular dogs like ours…
Like you mentioned, experimentation is key to finding a solution since each dog is different.
Interactive toys might help keep your dog busy for awhile and we often found the Kong fillable ones to be very good ones for our dogs. Most of the other kinds of toys we tried ended up in pieces not very long after giving them to our dog to play with so I suppose it all depends on how strong of a chewer the dog is on what works well…plus, since we’ve found all of our dogs to have different preferences, one wouldn’t be too interested in a certain toy, while our other dog was crazy over it, lol.
Thank you so much for your excellent suggestions here Mariah! I’ll definitely have to add these into the post asap!
Best wishes ~Sherry
Hi I think you have done a great review of this heavy duty dog crate. It looks like that it will last with even the most determined of dog. I also like the fact you have a 3 year warranty on this product. Although it certainly looks very durable and I’m sure it would last for sometime. Thanks for the helpful guide for us dog owners. Thanks Kenny
Hi Kenny,
Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I’m so glad to hear you found the review helpful to you and yes, I do like the fact that there is a 3-year warranty on this heavy duty dog crate from Gelinzon. You just never know I suppose, but it certainly should hold up to most any dog.
Thanks again Kenny, I appreciate hearing what your thoughts are on the review!
Best wishes ~Sherry